CERATH is open to work with all manner of genuine investors. Our choice of investor partnership are guided by our prime areas of interest.


CERATH recognizes the significant contributions of agriculture to Ghana’s economy. With a changing landscape geared towards modernizing, commercializing and making Ghana’s agriculture systems more land scale, CERATH is interested in the following investors

  • Investors seeking to establish large scale commercial farms in Ghana
  • Investors seeking to establish agro industries in Ghana
  • Investors seeking to establish medium to large scale irrigation systems

  • Investors seeking to be Independent Power Producers (IPP) using either solar, hydro, thermal or tidal

  • Investors for railway development
  • Investors for inland water transportation systems
  • Investors for inland port development
  • Investors for housing

These opportunities are not exhaustive. Moreover, CERATH is also interested in investors who would like to invest in already existing businesses in these sectors.